How To Protect Your Data Before It’s Too Late by Grace Frenson

As far as we have come with technological innovations, the one force that we as humans are still unable to reckon with is nature. On one side of the world, Hurricane Harvey, and Hurricane Irma have left thousands devastated. Whereas on the other side of the world, in the golden hills of Africa wildfires have become commonplace. Natural disasters is a global crisis. The question you need to ask is If disaster were to strike – how much would your business lose?

The benefit of the latest technological leaps such as secure online cloud storage, remote internet access, and convenient backup solutions – businesses are able to safeguard themselves and mitigate the risk that a natural disaster poses to their business. Even if the physical location is ravaged.

When Disaster Strikes – Protect Your Employees

Protecting your staff should be your first-priority as a business. They are your forerunners, ensuring that your business runs smoothly – and generally, they do a good job. In order to mitigate the risk that a natural disaster poses to employees you should have a readily available escape route.

It is also advised to do a few practise drills so that employees know exactly what they should do if a disaster strikes. Having emergency supplies in the offices is also a great idea for just in case. After all, nature is an unpredictable force.

Your office should be stocked with food and water no matter what. But you should consider going a little further with the supplies. Keep flashlights, ropes, blankets, pillows, and more in your office if you end up being stuck there for a few hours of days.

Take Advantage Of The Cloud

Regardless of whether or not you are looking to mitigate the risk of natural disaster – safeguarding your data should always be a priority. Integrating the cloud into your daily operation allows you to access essential data from any remote location.

Through uploading your data to the Cloud, you also protect your business in case of user-faults, and cybercrime.

Keep Your Computers on Higher Ground

If there’s a flood, it’s likely that water will mostly be on the floor. Luckily, if you and your employees are keeping the laptops or desktops on top of tables or desks, there should be no big problem. If you’re in the building at the time of the flood–you should have enough time to remove anything that could be damaged.

Be Proactive In The Way That You Store Your IT Infrastructure

In order to diminish the risk that natural disasters have on your business – you need to plan ahead. Storing your IT infrastructure, such as servers on high-ground instead of in the basement will safeguard your business against major floods in your area.

Is your business located in a region that is prone to suffer on the whims of floods, and flash-floods? If so, storing your data off-site may be a wise option. This will mitigate the risk to your business, ensuring smooth operation even in the case that a natural disaster strikes your physical location.

Make Sure That You Are Covered If A Disaster Strikes

Even if you safeguard your data, and employees – a natural disaster can still cost your business millions. Even if your business is not in a high-danger zone, it is still important to ensure that your business is covered if I disaster were to strike. If you already are insured – double check that it provides full-coverage for both your industry, as well as the region that you operate out of.

Make Sure That You Consistently Backup Your Data

Having a good data backup and recovery system is essential for any business. Not only as a method to mitigate the consequence of a natural disaster. But to safeguard your data in general against threats such as cyberattacks, and data-integrity being compromised.

Consider using automation software to keep all of your data in one place. For example, tools for managing sales can help solve problems you might have had in the past. Plus, you won’t lose track of any sales, even with a disaster going on in your workplace.

Ensuring that you are able to restore data will protect your business against the conquest of any natural disaster. But it is important to ensure that you are constantly backing up valuable data.

Will Your Business Be Able To Continue Without A Brick And Mortar Location?

Thanks to the new leaps in technology, employees do not have to work at a specific location. In the event that there is a disaster, you want to ensure that your staff will be able to continue working from a remote location during a natural disaster.

This includes making sure that crucial staff members have access to internet, as well as a laptop in the event that they have to work from home for a week while you repair the damages to your physical business location.

Keep these tips in mind when it comes to your business. You don’t want to wonder how things could’ve turned out if you were more prepared. A natural disaster can affect your business, whether you want to believe it or not–you should be ready.

About the Author:

Grace Frenson is a freelance writer from Philadelphia, PA. She recently graduated from Drexel University with a Bachelor in Business Administration. Grace has a passion for business technology. As she continues to learn more about running a successful business and new business technologies, she plans to share her insight and knowledge with those who are equally as passionate on these topics. 

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